A small, often single person run company whose sole business model is to import (or even just dropship) cheap garbage from China and sell it at 3-5x markup on Ebay or Amazon under their own label and make it seem as if they produce the product. I.E their only proprietary product is their brand sticker which they slap on cheap Chinese products.
Hey, I found this cool watch on Amazon made by "watchcompanyUSA" and it's only $100, what a deal!
- That's just another sticker brand, their products are really bad quality, despite being priced the same as real manufacturers. Oh look, I found it on " Alibaba / Aliexpress being sold for $20 ".
a milk brand that makes u stronk like a big boy and is the best
Hey! How u stronk?
Cuz I drank bear brand milk it makes u stronk
Wow! I should drink it too!
found in a can and a resealable pouch for different needs and occasions
t’s been called “Magic”, a can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk plus a few select ingredients and the results are, well like magic! Rich chocolate candies, moist cookies bars, light and luscious cheesecakes, fudgy frostings, caramel flans and creamy smooth ice cream…just a few of the classic desserts you can make with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
A brand of condensed milk
Big news! Eagle Brand unveils a new logo, an easy-to-open end and brand new packaging featuring different recipes on all three varieties.
this is what happens when you drag the google logo into the search bar
but if your looking at this in urban dictionary your probably very bored
ima go look up google.ca/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png in urban dictionary becuase im bored
The boys and I going to play some off brand foot ball tonight!
A word used to call somebody a dum dum. Or an idiot.
Your a lollipop brand