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Flip flop

The thing your mom used to beat the shit out of you with.

Mom don’t hit me with that flip flop

by Hrddgtdhy February 15, 2018

flip flops

Flip flops are by far the most annoying shoes on he planet. When you walk up or down the stairs they sound like a bullet being shot. Also if they break there's no way to put them back together.

Flip flops stop being floppy and annoying!!!!!!!

by THE O SO GREAT NERD February 21, 2019

flip flop

The weapon your mom bares and its the thing you should fear once you "accidently" told your mom that you declared war by breathing air.

Guy 1: Oh shit my mom is coming i better hide. She is 100% gonna have the flip flop ready in hand.

Guy 2: RIP dude.

by CumTittiesWithBBQSauceIsGood69 May 24, 2021

Kick flop

A derogatory name used by skaters to describe poser non-skaters.

Man 1 - Did you see what terry did? He turned up, took a selfie with his board and then left the park.

Man 2 - Dude's a Kick flop.

by Jo the Jo September 14, 2020

Cobb flopping

Punching one in the penis to inflict pain for joy

Dude I’m gonna go Cobb flopping around my work today

by Country tiger July 26, 2021

flop wazzled

A word used usually in describing ones overwhelming consumption of alcohol or drugs.

I honestly have no idea what happed BC I was flop wazzled as fuck

by BTK29 October 7, 2017

flamingo flop

While fucking, you flap and flop and throw around your arms like crazy; like if you were at a big time rush concert.

Hey Shawnquel, I wanna flamingo flop you so hard! harder than a XXXtentacion concert!

by SneakyVegan August 1, 2017