Legal Weasel: A shady, dishonest, sneaky, ambulance chasing lawyer who knows his client is guilty but still tries to gaslight the judge and jury with frivolous motions and arguments; the exact opposite of a legal beagle, an attorney who is bright-eyed, honest, conscientious, and bushy tailed.
Although it was obvious, even to those who were fully informed of the fact that his client was guilty as hell, his attorney was such a skilled legal weasel that his bad faith arguments succeeded in getting his client off.
The cavernous vaginal opening of a large woman, who pretends she knows it all. Who is that full of herself, believes she is perfect as she is and everyone else is shit
Damn, that fat weasel had a huge mootch, it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen but she thinks it's pretty.
Weasel went to get her mootch waxed the other day and she told me the Asian worker said 'oh hunni you hab such preti pussy'
Weasel Mootch
A female who uses sex to gain access to a mans finances. Once she is in control of the mans fiances, sex stops and becomes just a promise that is never delivered. Once all the money is gone, so is she.
She doesn't really love you Jack. She's only interested in your money. What you have here my friend, is a Beaver Weasel.
Having resemblance to Joey Ramone
Man, that dude has weasel face
When your bearded boyfriend motorboats you
His angry weasel really tickled me!
A suck weasel is one who is generally terrible at any given event, whether it be video games, life, or even a sport like tennis.
Did you see Joel get shut out today, he is quite the suck weasel.
"Lol sorry, it was a joke"
"it's a weasel in a can, Thomas!"
"What in god's name does that mean?"
"it's all good man!"