Somebody who wants to be pounded in the ass by a bbc
"nah he tweakin" i wanna be buttfucked so badly oohh im gay
The saying is believed to originally have started on one of Rap’s Instagram posts talking about Tony Hawks blood infused skateboard and has since gone viral after Lil Nas X commented on it.
“Donda isn’t dropping fatboy”
“Nah he tweakin”
the appropriate reaction to a post that... well any post really...
Person 1: (caption) This is the happiest day of my life, I'm a father now.
comment section: Nah he tweakin
comment section: Nah he tweakin
comment section: Nah he tweakin
An expression of an annoying stupid person.
in a comment section: "Hey that video was cool" reply: " nAh hE tWeAkIn"
Lil Nas X commented “nah he tweakin” on a post on Instagram about tony hawk putting blood on a skateboard or some shi, so now instagram be tweakin with all dis “nah he tweakin” stuff
*any post on Instagram, regardless of context or topic*
Entire comment section: “nah he tweakin”
Used when someone wants anal sex but is too shy to admit it
"Nah he tweakin" (Please fuck me in the ass- )
Another way of saying “i want a 30 inch dragon dildo with functional sperm pump up my ass”
person1: *exists*
person: “nah he tweakin”