School with girls who are werid but different. Guys all want mullets and bowl cuts but that's okay and the teachers all like each other and try to pull devious licks. Most are emo some are vscos and the dean is crazy caca
lorelei: hey Josh did you know baka at patriot oaks Academy is for the teachers
Josh: yes I'd did
Patriot juice is what makes smoke wagons start rollin'. The more juice your smokestack guzzles, the more hoo-rah points you earn!
The patriot juice is at 3.69 now! I am outraged winnifred, simply OUTRAGED!
We should frack in the bahamas for more patriot juice. 'Murica.
We can' t make our own patriot juice so we have to buy it. but it ours so it's still 'murican.
A person who defends the 2’nd Amendment and our right to bear arms on Facebook, Twitter and any other commonly accepted social media- yet refuses to be active in real world activities or meaningful efforts to defend Americans from tyranny.
Dude 1: Hey Anthony, you see how Winston posted all those “freedom isn’t free” and “don’t tread on my 2A” pics on his Facebook page?
Dude 2: “Yea Nick, but he never shows up for a rally at the statehouse! Talk about a Social Media Patriot...”
to gain the loyalty of those with feeble minds or paranoid imaginations - usually prone to unintelligible conspiracy theories involving government leaders - inspiring faulty patriotic speech, writings and actions with the potential for treason or terror
Wow, Trump really did patriotize his base. I don’t know if I feel bad for them as much as I am afraid for our country.
to use a food stamp card at a store
Sam offered a show of patriotism as payment for his groceries at the supermarket.
A version of patriotism that is the fusion of environmentalism and patriotism. It's also the broad philosophy, ideology, and social movement regarding the concerns for the combination of many different feelings, language relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects toward the environmental protection and improvement of the health of the environment, particularly as the measure for this health seeks to incorporate the impact of changes to the environment on humans, animals, plants and non-living matter. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to nature-related aspects of green ideology, nationalism, ecologism, cultural nationalism, social ecology, civic nationalism, and environmentalism. Eco-patriotism is the manifistation that emphasizes to love the land means to have love for one's native land and to symbolize agriculture and soil
I belive in eco-patriotism beause i love my nation and care for the environment around me
Someone more concerned with the trappings of the United States--the flag, standing for the anthem, etc.--than the actual values of freedom and democracy on which the country was founded.
The stadium patriots are up in arms again because the sportsball players knelt for the national anthem.