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shallow , cares only about themselves , being sluts , and acessorising. the fakest people you will ever know!

"i wear hollister , make myself puke , writes i love (my name here) on everyones stuff , and wear a new tanktop everyday . i am a prep"

by the emo tree hugger May 23, 2007

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First of all I would like to agree that there is an archetype for preps.

Guys-White, Sports, works out, skips class, wears multiple layers of clothes regardless of season, expensive phones, money, cologne

Girls-White or Asian, cheerleader, makeup, skirts, revealing clothes, airhead, mean, perfume, rich daddies

Faves-A&F, AE, Hollister, LL Bean, RL Polo, Tommy Hilfiger

I totally agree that a majority of preps fit in with those.
If you go by that, you can find just as many people that you wouldnt call a prep that go by those guidelines. My best friend is rich as hell, wears A&F, has fake sports team shirts, and works out, but I would never lable him as a prep.

As for me, I'm a middle-class, asian, ex-nerd, prep.
Here's proof:
$60 Relic Watch
$30 Lee Jeans Shorts (one of the cheapest things I have)
$50 Muscle Polo from Abercrombie & Fitch
$15 Belt from American Eagle
$20 Undershirt from some store in Alaska
Looking at this, you might say I'm rich. I'd say you're wrong. Some people, a lot of preps actually, have discovered a method of purchasing items called SAVING. I get about 20 dollars a week that I have to work for, and I get 100 dollars for my birthday and 150 for christmas. I have to buy all of my clothes and everything. I saved up, and over time, I was able to buy all this stuff.

I am not a rich fucker. I am not an idiot. I am not white. I do not have a car. Sure I wear the same clothes as all the other preps. At least we shop from maybe 10 different stores, as opposed to the gothic Hot Topic or the unknown void where nerds find their clothes and gear.

I used to be a nerd. I think, in general, preps are a group of people who can actually look at a group of people and actually understand who is a nerd, who is a prep, and who is emo. Most nerds don't choose to be nerdy, they just are. They don't know what is generally considered cool. I used to be one so I would know. Preps hang with preps and avoid nerds and emo, just like nerds and emo avoid preps.

Judging by that, why don't we take a second to think about why preps are the center of hating and not goths or nerds. Everyone talks about goths or nerds, but they dont really care because goths and nerds dont matter to them. Most people's dreams are to be a prep, and that's why they concentrate on hating preps.

Prep: Dude let's go to A&F, away from those nerds and goths.

Goth: Dude let's go cut ourselves in that alley, away from those preps and nerds. (yes, goths do cut themselves)

Nerd: Let's go to my house and play Dungeons and Dragons!

by Changster July 18, 2006

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A prep is technically a person that goes to a prepalitory school, usually on the east coast. I am talking about the preps that shop at ONLY ambercrombie, holister, american eagle, etc. I personally think that ALL preps are assholes. they think they are better than everyone and follow the crown. They aren't origional what-so-ever... that's why they ALL shop at the same stores.

Ambercrombie, american eagle, holister all all jokes. A discrace to the clothing industry. All off there clothes say the same exact thing on them, the name of the store, this is just used as a advertising ploy so these dumb preps walk around everywhere wearing a billboard for the company, it's no wonder they're so famous.

Preps, in general, listen to pop music, the most embarrissing form of music in the world. These songs don't have any origionality in the least and repeat the same 2, 3 verses over and over and over until your ears explode!

Preps judge everyon because they are not like them, because they chose to be different... be themselfs. I notice that preps usually chose the emos as they're main target to make fun of. Everyone who tries to put down these "different groups" emos, metal heads, scaters, street rats, etc... can politely fuck off. You preps think you are such good people... saying you care about everyone... racism is bad... MAKING FUN OF OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT IS THE SAME THING AS RACISM... it pregidice and it hurts just as bad.

I'm talking to you too jocks... You think you are so cool because you are good at sports... you cocky assholes as just as bad. You use sports as an excuse to be good at something rather than learning something that might help you in life, like maybe... oh I don't know... School.

I am sick and tired of preps going though all this drama and crying all the time. if you don't like the drama... DON'T START IT!!!! "What comes around goes around." Don't say you hate drama either, you start it and you know it you hypocrytical bitches.

So... in conclusion... all preps die in hell :)

Thank you and goodbye.

Mark: haha look at that dumb emo.
Shanon: yeah, why don't you go kill yourself emo!

Jade: Wow... that prep is really that self absorbed to pick on us like that.
Nik: Yeah... they are. What assholes.

by Frostbite1994 June 18, 2009

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anyone who thinks wearing a&f, AE or other stores similar to that means they are a prep is wrong...i go to thayer academy so i know preppy... and people who wear stuff from there are not preppy! the preppiest people are those who wear polo, lacoste, juicy, lilly pulitzer, eliza bs, stuff like that and... they have to pop tha collar so high it reaches their nose.

prep 1: Oh my god is that a new lacoste shirt? Oh! and polo sneakers!?
prep 2: yeah and my skirts from lilly!
prep 1: wow a little preppy but its hot.
prep 2: i know, well i hope it is because my outfit cost like flippin $250!
prep 1: c'mon the prep look can never be wrong.
me: yeah u can especially when you wear orange uggs, yellow north faces, a bright green polos and pink lilly skirts.... all together.

by not so much a prep as a regular person May 13, 2005

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someone who is popular, rich, wears Abercrombie and Hollister, wears sperries, and tries to cat country even though their not. and speaking of acting they also act like thier dorks, when in real life thier not.(even though not everyone who wear Abercrombie and Hollister are bad, oh and I'm not defending my self.)

super prep> omg! u talked to that girl that isn't wearing sperries or Abercrombie? psh, we are not friends!!
not as preppy prep> what? i don't understand that!!!

by your mom:D March 7, 2008

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Someone who needs to be shot for taking up all the air on this planet because it's in their heads. Stupid white, rich, blondes that are extremely ditzy and annoying. They spend way too much money on themselves and have no compassion for others. What they spend on one pair of jeans could feed a tribe in Africa for a year. They don't care though.

Prep1: Hey Joelle, i like so totally just bought this like WAY cute shirt from Abercromibie and Fitch. It like only cost me like $500. Isn't great i've like never worked a day in my life and like i can spend like sooo much on this mass produced shirt!
Prep2: Like, oh my gosh, that is so totally not that much. I got a shirt for like $750 so i like only had like $500 left for Hollister!

by x420core April 9, 2006

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N. informal

Variant of Prepspopaleano; derived from Poparelli

"Ah, Preps!"
"What? Preps!"
"Preps phat!"
"Cut! Preps! What?"

by Nikki June 2, 2004

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