Something that exceeds the norm
I got something published in the Urban Dictionary. Man that’s pro shit your kidding me.
an unsponsored post-collegiate athlete with a full time job, chasing the dream on two feet and two wheels
Person a: is Ari Klau still a strug pro?
Person b: yes, but he is no longer chasing the dream.
he's living it.
when you want to take the next step in your career, not knowing that pro in this case stands for procrastination.
"george, you going pro in video editing?"
George: "yeah man!" *closes premiere and opens youtube tab*
In favour of wild, overgrown, ungroomed pubic hair above and around the penis and vagina.
Male 1: I need to shave tonight. Have you shaved recently?
Male 2: No. I don’t shave at all. I’m pro-bush.
a phrase you say to deflect a political question on a social or economic issue that you either have no opinion on or cannot be bothered explaining because the person asking the question is too stubborn to change his view
Guy 1: Why are you not Pro-Life?
Guy 2: Dude, I'm Pro-Willy
1) adj. - can Be used tO descRibe someone who IS talented
2) YoU be used as a statemeNt to comment on somethinG someone has done
soo pro
A pro is a professional or somebody very good at something (pronouced pruh o). El is means "the" in mexican but can be used as english slang (pronouced the same as the letter in the english langauge L). You say el pro in the context of somebody doing something professional or difficult.
Person 1: Omg, i just beat a extremely hard game.
Person 2: Wow you el pro bro.