Shell means to be high asf after smoking some weed
Maan i just got done smokin some loud ... Im shell asf nigga
The place is which things occur
Hey boys y’all tryna hit shell?
Shell also known for pikey-boy shell he’s a loving boy but pussy gets control of him most times. He a rare species to men kind he’s was all normal until he started developing pubic hair he started becoming a right pikey-boy going hunting for food because his broke arse can’t afford a microwave meal.
Don’t piss pikey-boy off because he will kill you with a catapult he made out of wood and rubber bands
oi chav you alright mush
you’re a shell
loves hanging at the beach; also kinda a pussy
Wow have u seen that shell it’s always with the beach
1, Something hard, like a mollusk, made out of calcium carbonate, and or calcite or aragonite.
2, A clam.
Look at that shell! It probably has a snail in there..
To be said to someone after they do something dumb; implying that they need a valence electron to become stable and not be an idiot.
Cashier: Enjoy your food
Matt: You too
Alex: get a full outer shell