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lillian is a slag

by XxbotatoxX October 24, 2020


Her name is Stacy Askew

“Hey is that Stacy Askew

“Yeah she’s a massive slag

by Tombomb69 November 2, 2020


Slag basically means a very kind, wonderful caring person and is really nice to say to people as it will probably lighten their day <3

“Mum you’re a slag
Aw I love you too slag “

by httpsbo January 12, 2022



Dominic is a slag.

by ssre June 1, 2022


Little boys that play fortnite

Will those slags get off that Xbox

by Slitherysoup July 9, 2022


The motto of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Stands for “Scholars Leaders Athletes Gentleman”

People can demonstrate slag when they do any of those traits such as studying hard in school, being a good leader, draining 3s on the court, or looking out for anyone.

Bryce “You see what Parker did last night?”
Jaden “Yeah man, gave waters and walked those girls back safely when they were pretty f’kd up”
Bryce “thats hella slag points in my book for real”

by Gsonderulo August 28, 2022


a slag is someone in the discord server discord.gg/beamed; specifically joshy alt#8723 & orlando#1337

you’re such a slag jasmine! or is ducky a slag

by uglyduckyling April 12, 2021