v.,n.,adj. (\ˈswēt\ \ˈkəp\) To present the volume of dispelled flatulence, recently deposited from one's asshole to one's cupped palm, for another to drink. sweet cupped, sweet cupper, sweet cupping, sweet cuppingest
1. Frank looked thirsty so I offered him a sip from my sweet cup.
2. Prepare to be punched if you plan on surprise sweet cupping my face.
To declare excitement or extreme enthusiasm about something. A polite way of saying "kick ass" or "hot shit".
Person 1: "Hey look at my billy goat."
Person 2: "Sweet Jibs."
The Sweet version of a man's typically Salty Skeet. This happens with serious repetition of drinking Pineapple juice.
Girl to Friend : Salley, last night when those 5 guys were simultaneously Cumming on my face, 1 of them must be a fan of pineapple juice. He sure had some "Sweet Skeet"
When something is above and beyond the term "sweet"
Wow dude that digital analog ac slater was freaking power sweet!
Having no hair on arms or leg followed by soft skin.
Aye yo ma le me hove some of that sweet skin
When one has a serious craving for candy or other junk food, and starts searching their home frantically to find some. Usually, this occurs because one knows they have no sweets, but is desperately trying to find something to satisfy their craving. It usually involves looking through cabinets multiple times, and even contemplating eating fruit.
Guy #1: Why is Bill so mad?
Guy #2: He just went on a huge sweet search, but he found nothing. I think he reverted to eating fruit.
Guy #1: Good Heavens!!!
(n.) An example of something so good it verges on the sexual.
-Yo, did you hear Fatty just bought himself a certified pre-owned 2007 Z4?
-Dawg, that right there's a sweet piece.