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Tai is a girl who often destroys her close friendships out of arrogance because she thinksbshe is the best.

That girls as annoying as Tai

by John Henry Mensor October 28, 2018


A man that fuckin good at patty caking and has a large dick

John: bro ur such a tai.
Jeff: that bitch got nothing on me

by Anonymous 152 July 2, 2019


This type of girl only comes around your life once. Once you lose her, there will be no one else like her. They are determined like no other but can be cold hearted from time to time. However they don’t mean it in a bad way and always in a good way. She is funny, loyal, determined, sarcastic. However this person isn’t easy to keep. She’s hard but it she’s more worth it than anything else. This person needs support and always needs reassurance.

Tais is one in a million

by Ispeakthetruthhhhhhh April 17, 2020


Word that it is used tipically to refer to a certain "thing".

Hey man, can you pass me that tai over the couch ?
Dude, that tai it's killing me.

by konon128 April 4, 2019


A girl that hides her emotions often in order to keep up her ego. She thinks that nobody is real until she meets this one person and then she is whole but then they prove her wrong and she gets back to her old self. She is the funniest person u could ever meet and she don’t let nobody fux with her vibe.

Tai is soooo chill but wild at the same time

by Bluryfacety March 10, 2018


a black person who’s lesbian but denies everything

“ she’s the biggest tai I’ve ever met dude “

by nadiahoe February 2, 2022


A true sex icon, Tai often walks around with his penis four feet in front of him. He is predominantly followed by the likes of people named Milo and Nate. Tai can and does achieve anything he wants to.

Wow! I am so aroused now that Tai has walked past.

by taideguy March 5, 2021