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Gen Alpha

The generation that comes after Gen Z.

These kids were born in 2010-2025.

These kids also might not remember a time before smartphones took over as everywhere I go I see a baby playing on

one of them.

We don’t know what there childhood will be like but it will be all futuristic for them.

Guy1: my sister was born in 2012

Guy2: that means she’s a gen alpha. she might get to experience humans living on other planets!

by Mr J Clark February 23, 2021

19πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Similar to the f-bomb, but when you get so damn pissed you use as many cuss words you can think of, in as many spaces left in the sentence physically possible. A delicate and imperssive art. Alpha-bomb battles are the best to listen to (:

Daniel: Damn man, Fran dropped the whole alpha-bomb on me last night.
Tom: What'd she say?
Daniel: Something like, "Fuck you fucking fucker! Go fucking fuck your fucked up fucking mom! Don't ever fucking fuck up my fucking life a-fucking-gain, fuckface! Now fucking get the fuck out of my motherfucking house, which you've fucking already fucked up al-fucking-ready! FUCKER!"
Tom: Damn. Harsh.

by uniPORN February 8, 2009

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Alpha female

A female who spends more time talking and bragging about being an alpha female than she does being an alpha female. Is overconfident at everything except what matters in life, like making people smile. Anything else from sports to intellect is something they love to brag about all the time, since bragging is a birthright of an alpha female, even if feeling or being anything besides a covert narsissisus is something they don't quite get.

Look, over here, I'm selling an oven that bakes 120 types of medication that I'm going to give somebody else even though I'm the one that needs it, I'm an alpha female.

by Solid Mantis October 31, 2016

27πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Female

The Alpha Female is the head of the gyno-herd, guiding them for a evening out drinking and partying. Executive decisions such as where to go, what drinks to order, what guys to talk to, who to fuck, all fall under the jurisdiction of the Alpha Female.

Any forward attempts to woo a herd of women should always be focused on convincing the Alpha Female that it is a good idea.

If the Alpha Female goes, the rest of the skirts will go too.

*note* The Alpha Female is typically the angriest of the group. Often are result of poor treatment from past boyfriends. The Alpha Female's wrath is dangerous and should be approached with extreme caution.

Frank started in right away and approached the large, husky Alpha Female, inviting her and her friends to drink with us.

by deeznutz999 August 9, 2010

127πŸ‘ 303πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Weasels

Backstabbing employees whose inflated ambitions and obsessions with work cause people not to like them and sabotages their chances for advancement

Alpha Weasels are often too consumed by their ambitions to have a life beyond the walls of the office.

by Robert Lanham, Author of Food Court Druids, Cherohonkees, and Other Creatures Unique to the Republic August 4, 2004

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Alpha Phi

Typically the least classy sorority on campus. Their only priorities are partying, getting laid, and causing drama. NEVER JOIN ALPHA PHI. You don't want to be "that girl".

If it hurts to pee, it's from an Alpha Phi.

by thatbitch1862 September 11, 2014

127πŸ‘ 308πŸ‘Ž

alpha slut

Someone who is not a whore but gets with guys quite often and they are awesome people!!!

Alex, Jodie, and Whitney are "alpha sluts"

by FRACKfan28 August 31, 2008

13πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž