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Riverside County

Riverside County is a region in Southern California. It's known for Coachella, Palm Spring Resorts, Downtown Riverside Festival of Lights with huge complex of rides, restaurants and shops. Nearby, in Temecula, is the Wine and Balloon Festival , a large attraction for tourists mostly from Europe. Cities with wealthy areas include Palm Springs, Riverside, and Temecula. UC Riverside registers nation’s greatest gain in U.S. News & World Report rankings in 2019 now moving into the top 100 schools globally. Downtown Riveside just opened up The Riveside Foodlab that is ranked in the top 10 nationally in USA Today News already and will be joining the ranks of LA and San Diego having the third Hilton Hotel called the Riverside Hilton. Overall, If you can’t afford LA you go to San Diego if you can’t afford that then Orange County and the last option is Riverside County 4th most expensive County in SoCal. Riverside County does have a small area that used to be famous for drugs called Hemet CA. If your looking to move here best places are in or near these areas Riverside, Palm Springs, and Temecula they all have Mercedes Dealerships back up these areas wealth. Palm Springs has designer stores like Gucci and Hermès. On a side note, Next door is $100k cheaper to buy a house on average in San Bernardino County if it’s too expensive in Riverside County.

Riverside County Riverside Palm Springs Temecula

by Riverside County March 27, 2019

3👍 1👎

pike county

a county full of a bunch of yee yees and girls that thing they are bad ass bitches , all guys have stds ,nicotine addicts everywhere , everyone knows everybody's business , baseball players , ugly girl with gaps in there teeth that think they are shit because they have some clout on tick tok for no reason

guy: wanna race in the walmart parking lot ?
guy 2 : you must be from pike county

by secert thot January 14, 2020

3👍 1👎

Fluvanna County

The absolute WORST place to live full of abercrombnie junkies, old people, and lakers (A name for ANYBODY who lives inside Lake Monticello) Sucky school system, no adminstration, and full of extremly ignorant, trifoling, brand name wanna bees. Some people actually have brains, but often are critized for having an IQ, and sometimes common sense. For more information see: failure.

Peppy Brand name wanna be- I live in Fluvanna County!!
Caring human- here take this credit card and go to the airport at 5:00 a van will be waiting for you.
Peppy Brand name wanna be- You know I got this shirt at aeropostale!!!!
Caring human- Never mind, you'll probally flush my Great- Great Grandpappy's ashes down the toliet, then wipe your butt with 100 dollar bills.
Peppy Brand name wanna be- I'm going to times square to watch the ball drop, Ohhh OHH, and the flucos won a game last week!!

by Great Great Grandpappy December 31, 2011

24👍 23👎

Red county

A county or parish that voted 75% for Bush. These intellectual havens produce the best and brightest students in America. Red county school systems slaughter all blue states and blue counties in education. Many of these counties have a lower murder rate that is lower than Canada's.

Liberals cannot and will not find one blue state or blue county that can match a 75% red county in education. Students in counties such as Montgomery or Saint Tammany Parish outperform students from Berkeley, Cambridge, and New Haven. I'm sorry if the facts offend liberals.

by Mo Bush March 7, 2007

12👍 10👎

Hernando County

A county just north of tampa with alot of wiggers walmarts
wannabe gangsters and a bunch of other shi**. was at one time the nations fastest growing county and is still growing fast . there is a house being built on almost evry road.alot of sub divisions and all style culter lingo gets from all the big cities here about 4 months later .It is however a fun place to live if u know wats gowing on around spring hill, parties activites ect. area code 352
in my opinon spring hill is getting better .starting to have its own originality.passing it on hwy 19 it ay look small but the population is almost 150 thousand

hernando county is poppin alotta shitt ta do , im goin to play handball

white kid,,, white kid2

hay look wat my mom bought me this iced out chain...imma huslta...

word. imma freestyle (kaleb bowman)

by lil big south July 6, 2006

18👍 17👎

cecil county

a county in the state of Maryland that is a breeding ground for retards and racists.

Jake is a Cecil County kid.

by Ship1ey August 26, 2006

154👍 203👎

Fairfield County

First of all....i think all of this is the most disgusting thigns I've ever read. I lived in Wilton for the past 7 years and recently my parents moved back to the midwest where I grew up when I was younger. Yes I lived in Fairfield county and will continue to visit my friends there, but all of you kids need to serisouly pull your heads out of your ridiculously snooty asses and realize that none of you are rich, none of you have money...your parents do, and that doesnt mean shit about you. You all seem to think that oo if my mommy and daddy drive a nice car and have a nice house, then I am so much better than everyone, but honestly who gives two shits...NO ONE CARES what kind of shit you have. THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN MONEY CARS CLOTHING AND YOUR FUCKING EXPENSIVE BEACH HOUSES

If anyone of you fucking pricks had substance to your dry, pathetic personalities, you'd all realize that theres a thing in life called being a decent person and living a little. I'm not talking about living a little as in touring Europe or Africa to boost your college resume so you can get into all the ivy league schools...its something more than that. So if any of you actually do have substance and do know what it is to be a truly decent person who doesnt judge people based on how much money their parents have, than you all will understand what I mean here...

I hope that when you get into college, like i am now, that you will see that theres awhole world out there than your little bubble in CT...its called the REAL world, when not every kid gets a brand new Infiniti or Jetta, or beamer, as their first car, and there are kids out there who don't have mommy and daddy paying for their $50,000 tuition and college spending money....some kids have to pay for their in state tuition...and funny because that does not make these people any less than any of you.

So instead of carrying on about yous richer...Wilton, Darien New Canaan, or Greenwhich or whoever! why dont you worry about things in life that actually have more meaning that a dollar sign. Try it. Really, You might actually find that "decent person" inside of you.

People in Fairfield County think that the only thing matters in life is how much money their mommy and daddy make...and they waste their time aruging with kids in other towns about it! hehhehe!

by usedtoliveinfc September 15, 2006

49👍 57👎