In Scotland you will hear neds referring to prison as 'the jail'. It should be noted that it is 'the jail' and not 'jail'.
Wee Tony got the jail on Friday night
When said horse trainer sentences said ammy to an undetermined amount of time jumping only tiny jumps.
I’ve been put on crossrail jail!
A vegetable that is used as a term for people who are about to go to prison.
Enjoy your jail broccoli you pedo
Jail breaking consists of tying your penis and testicles to a chair and throwing the chair through the window
Dad: Jim, Why are all the windows smashed?
Jim: Dad I was just jail breaking to impress Shauna!
A mix of anything containing any sort of alcohol into one refreshing beverage.
Phil decanted all the left over wines, beer, spirits and even a bottle of metholated spirits into the barrel of jail juice.