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a number of parishes consolidated for the purposes of administering the Poor Laws.

The union of parishes was formed to manage the distribution of poor relief.

by Arminkshipper September 3, 2024

Resting Bitch Face Credit Union

RBFCU is a credit union based in San Antonio. Back around 2013, I noticed that RBF could stand for resting bitch face, and started spreading it the term. Today, most of the employees themselves have heard it. You're welcome, everybody!

I'm sure I'll get a better car loan out of Resting Bitch Face Credit Union

by James Headfield December 31, 2024

union transfer

When you shit through a copper pipe into another person's ass.

I knew Scott and john were close but, not union transfer close.

by HearingAIDS March 9, 2022

Santopolis Union

The Santopolis Union is a Micro-State located in the heart of the State of Tennessee.
The Nation is a Democratic Oligarchy, The kings of which are King Lewis, and King Cole.

Be Glorius OUR Free Santopolis!

The Santopolis Union is a Democratic Oligarchy, nd a well made nation.

by santishere February 4, 2022

Carpet cleaners union

A carpet cleaners and rug munchers union is a union for dyke workers.

The two dyke workers joined the carpet cleaners union.

by Solid Mantis June 25, 2019

Monkey Union

A monkey rock band from Gothenburg, Sweden

-Man, did you go to the Monkey Union gig at Sticky Fingers last night??
-Yeah, it was sooo awesome!

by ApaDawgson January 20, 2018

Hooker flag of union

A retarded ass meme

Levi keeps talking about hooker flag of union he's mentally retarded

by Jewishharley October 13, 2017