"Skitzo the clown is upstairs painting the horn."
Historically known as a trumpet. The name was changed in early 2017 to eliminate any association with the odious 45th President of the United States.
The freedom horn player declined to play the inauguration.
A person that collects air horns for historical purposes and because of their musical chords. Train horns are their most common usage, and they typically use them in the woods away from people. Their horns are typically restricted to lower air pressures to sound more pleasant and to not disturb people in the distance. Many horn enthusiasts are musicians and or simply historical buffs. Despite their more careful cause, they are often not well respected by the general public and are labelled as hornblasters, another group of people that largely intends to scare people with their horns.
Yeah, Bob says he's a horn enthusiast. Although a few people on the block think he's a just an ole' hick hornblaster and have called the cops on him when he had a horn on top of his truck. He has something like twelve different horns in his garage, but I've only heard his horns faintly deep within the forest miles away. As long as he doesn't come fucking blaring down the block with one of them, I'm not concerned.
When you get a gub and its a sad horn
Person 1: Bro i just got a gub
Person 2: *Gub Horn*
Nick Horne appeared on the 47th David Letterman show. He is a comedian and expert physicist. Mr Horne is currently involved in "Smarty-Pants," a think tank which has solved many of the worlds pressing issues in addition to small ones (such as redesigning the zipper into the modern version seen today with locking capabilities - hence the name of his company)
Mr Horne plans on being one of the first men in space on a homemade craft. For 32 years he and his team have scoured junkyards for jet thrusters and other necessary parts. They expect their project to be completed in time for exodus by the 2012 Apocalypse (of which Mr Horne is a great believer).
Another name for a saxophone, when you can't remember the word "saxophone"
"What's the name of that song that's got the repeating line from the cool horn on the chorus?"
"Oh, Baker Street"
"Yeah, fuck that song"
When a Flute decides to be a French Horn, but her fellow Flute players won’t let the band director move her to the annoying brass section.
Leah: Riley will stay with us. And be a Flute Horn!