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another name for Sicily (Sicilia)

'did you know Roberto was from Mafia Island?'

by mafiasistah December 17, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

vegan mafia

Militant vegans who will ostracize their vegan friends who stray from the fold.

"We'll keep our newfound love of cheese to ourselves. We wouldn't want the vegan mafia to find out"

by guacomole February 26, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brokeback Mafia

The first half of season 6 of the HBO hit drama The Sopranos.

Man all this shit with Vito on The Sopranos is making season 6 out to be Brokeback Mafia.

by Red Rhino May 24, 2006

5๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

marijuana mafia

the gaines family...+catie+ jake

smoke weed everyday niggas

by Jodith April 22, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Velvet Mafia

A conglomerate homosexual men with diversification that's inclusive all walks of life, socioeconomics, occupations, ethnicities or races, and act as a single entity in achieving it ends. Often the members of the mafia occupy positions that beneficial to the whole or a purpose, such as gays of color distributing narcotics to communities White gays can not do so safely. The higher echelons of the Velvet Mafia are predominately if not all White gay men.

Historically, the Velvet Mafia begun alongside the Italian Mafia, which utilized the gay clubs for laundering money and funds for start ups of other more lucrative endeavors. After the near collapse of the Italian Mafia, the gay community having learned of more elusive criminal activity, infiltrated avenues of business once denied them. Disguising themselves as "heterosexual" even taking wives or arranging fake marriages to bought women or even posing as women themselves.

One of the leading industries occupied and dominated by the Velvet mafia is the Entertainment industries, with growing activity in gentrification. Criminality that fund the Velvet Mafia are drug distribution and production, and human trafficking. Other avenues in the gray would include politics, such as the Log Cabin Republicans, wealthy group of White gay men whom who were the Trump presidency's financial backing.

The velvet mafia is everywhere and nowhere at once

by CanisNocturnas July 18, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mafia City

Mafia City is a series of humorous Facebook advertisements which depict the levels and role of various members of organized crime.

There's apparently is also a game that is very loosely based off the advertisements

These Mafia City ads are hilarious.

by Sam_I_am August 14, 2019

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sk8 mafia

A Southern California based skateboard company/gang that is very gangster. Each member of the mafia is a gnarly skateboarder, smokes a ton of weed, listens to gangsta/old school hip-hop (eazy- e, NWA), and enjoys fucking bitches and hoes.

Yo man i got a sick new sk8 mafia deck!

by pussymaster1000 April 8, 2009

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