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Spider Inforcer

"A subspecies of spider person that was created by the Webb of life and destiny to defend other spider totems from threats like the inheritors and other multiversal threats"

"Spider inforcers are typically bulkier than other spider people and poses lots of unique powers across different individuals"

"Spider inforcers typically come to be in universes with other spider totems already present but they can also appean in a universe where they are the only spider person"

An example of this includes the very first spider inforcer called "Blue-Spider" from "earth 14-K" who dose not share a universe with other spider people

"Spider inforcers are typically more aggressive to those they consider a threat

And will likley attack them immediately"

"Only a spider inforcer can kill me. And you are not a spider inforcer"

"Spider inforcers are scary"

by Blue_spider September 13, 2023

Trouser Spider

a skid mark in your pants. usually common on those who wear no underwear. a greasy fart that squirts into the pants.

After a greasy fart, Otto rushed to the bathroom, pulled down his pants, and to his surprise had fouled himself. The distinct markings of a trouser spider could be seen in the seat of his britches.

by malibulivin February 26, 2012

Coochie Spiders

The spiders that crawl in dirty people coochie when they sleep naked

I heard that bitch Destiny got coochie spiders

by Spidergat February 27, 2021

Spider One

Hottie front man of synth-metal band Powerman 5000. Rob Zombie's brother. Hard body, deranged expression and voice like a drill sergeant. Best known for songs "When Worlds Collide" & "Bombshell".

Did you see Spider One back when he had Bright As Fuck Yellow hair?

by LyraDove May 27, 2014

Spider Swinging

This is when you sit on another person's lap (facing them) and swing!

Example 1: Oh man, I saw those two chicks spider swinging and it totally turned me on!
Example 2: Spider swinging like yet another one of the funnest things ever!!!

by Hubert Ferdinand SovereignNeve May 15, 2011

Bean Spider

A 'Bean Spider' a spider that lives under a toilet seat, and eats girls beans when they use the toilet.

Naomi watch out for the Bean Spider!

by TG_MOLE November 19, 2010

Spider drop

When one is upon another person's shoulders doin the Spider-Man pose taking a dump cascading down the person's back all while balancing still holding the pose. Most effective when its diarrhea.

Oi Razzle dazzle what's Gibo doin on Blake's shoulders again oh his rockin' another Spider drop on him check the waterfall down Blake's back bro.

by Spider dropped it like it's 79 July 15, 2021