To lay on one's arm so as to deny the passage of blood and ultimately lose feeling in the limb, followed by the act of jerking off your friend as you fuck them in the ass. Because since you don't feel their penis, it's not gay.
Derek proclaimed, "No homo!" after giving his best bud the stranger stranger last night.
Masturbating using pizza grease
Paul left the bathroom and said I just had an Italian stranger
When you’re getting a blumpkin and the tide goes out only to discover it’s been an octopus taking one for the love of the game
Dude 1: I’d like a low tide stranger
Dude 2: you can’t ask our bartender for that!
Dude 1: it’s a drink bruhv wtf
Dude 2: wait they did what? They made a drink called that?
Dude 1: yeah bruhv I remember that time at Ocean Isle Beach I was hyper pressed it was an octopus but looking back no cap shid was bussin. Gotta be a tribute.
Dude 2: You think THAT’S why they made it a drink?
Dude 1: game recognize game
When walking on the sidewalk someone approaches walking the opposite direction, in order to go around you both go left, then right, then left again!
A stranger and I did the stranger tango while leaving quite awkward yet elegant.
an independant music project that can be found in digital music stores.
have you heard that song by citizen stranger?
When recieving a handjob from someone you've just met, or a stranger. They use the hand opposite of what they write with. For example, if they're right handed they would use their left hand.
You know that girl I hooked up with the other day? She gave me a weird handjob. It was like a total stranger.