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buzzing noise

annoying sound heard while t-mobilizing. could mean one of the following.
1. coolness levels.
2. aliens trying to communicate with t-mobile users.
3. ghosts trying to communicate with mortal t-mobile users.

"i can barely hear you over the buzzing noise."

by John January 12, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

concert buzz

The high feeling one gets after a good concert.

Joey looks like he just took some speed but he's just had a concert buzz since coming back from the Manowar show.

by big_dude May 4, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Little Buzz

(Li-tel Buzz)

Fucking up, acting out of social norms, doing something just a little bit nuts, ending up in county because of drunk antics, just being a plain old asshole to those who you care about or care about you.

Also used to express that you had a good time getting smashed with your chums.

Guy: "'ey, Jimmy Twins got busted beating his girl down at the bar"

Guy 2: " Little buzz "

Guy: "That party was nuts, dood. I don't even know what happened. I had a little buzz."

by PlatonicPanda October 31, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

gym buzz

yo i went to the gym 5 times a day im a tank. Pasko is my father


by pasko August 27, 2003

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nicotine Buzz

The act of sitting on a woman's face, (usually whilst receiving a rim job), whilst using her vagina as a spittoon for your chewing tobacco. This results in the woman receiving a nicotine buzz due to the chew spit in her vagina.

Dylan: Did you see Luke give that girl a nicotine buzz
Josh: Ooooh yeah, he went through about 2 cans of copenhagen.
Dylan: Yeah, he sure filled her vagina to the brim.

by LucasSkinner January 10, 2010

40๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

rebate buzz

1: an immediate buzz or feeling of drunkenness after only one or two drinks where they have combined with the remains of the previous night's drinks to quicken the process of intoxication

2: usually takes place when "tying one on" and morning/afternoon drinking

3: also, an easy way to preemptively eliminate a hangover

"After drinking only a couple beers at lunch, A.C. got a rebate buzz because he hadn't fully recovered from the night before."

by producua June 13, 2008

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body buzz

The buzz you get when you stand by a large speaker while inebriated.

I was set up right in front of the speaker at the last Pleasure Force rave, the molly kicked in and i was full on body buzz for the rest of the night.

by frickasee420 October 4, 2019

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