When taking an upper decker while having diarrhea. Making the next flush look like the toilet is vomiting.
dude I took a piss and the toilet vomited!! That's my queue to leave.
idk tbh
halva has a nice toilet
better than schrodingers cat
I'm gonna crap in Halva's toilet.
this little "shit" that's coming back to where it come frome.When you're wondering why your anus is wet
The toilet splashback i had yesterday was pretty masive
Toilet monster is a mysterious man who have keys to every home, comes in the middle of the night when everyone sleeps, shits in their toilet, then takes a shower and leaves. The only way to catch him: when he leaves he never wears underwear beneath his clothes!! (If you catch somebody late night, leaving your house after taking a dump and you undress him and he have underwear on him, it is just an ordinary pervert so let him go!)
Man, my water-pipe broke in my flat, luckily my neighbour gave me their keys to watch the house while they are on the vacation. I will be such a toilet monster.
Peter Griffin was such a toilet monster when he found out Cleaveland's house is empty.
Nick : Did you see that girl’s tits?
Dan : Yeah. Fucking toilet cloggers.
someone who marks their territory by peeing around the rim of the toilet
I am the toilet master.