when a flaming bag of turds is launched using a small to large sized catapult across a large distance.
Man i hit that guys house hard with that flaming bag. What a great dumple tossing.
A competition involving two men throwing their meat at a dartboard. Score is usually not counted, as winning in a competition of this manner is the same as losing.
I, the king of life, challenge he peasant to a meat toss.
Standing on a roof and blowing your wad onto the people below. Bakaww
I chicken tossed on my friends last night.
The act of going to your nearest Dunkin Donuts and buying 20 boxes of munchkins and then going on top of any kind of grocery store or gas station (Walmart, Hess, Stop and Shop, etc) and throwing the munchkins at anyone passing by.
Girl 1: Hey, do you want to go munchkin tossing?
Girl 2: What kind of question is that? Of course I do you nut! Can we fill them with marbles first?....
When you get so drunk and high and take your depression medicine and it makes you have seizures and everyone around you thinks you're faking.
On New Year's Eve Kayla got olive tossed at Kathryn's house.
"Did Ryan olive toss you?"
A more extreme and enjoyable form of 'shitting on' a subordinate, most often associated with a professional hierarchy. Those suffering a rain of flaming jizz from the denizens of heaven are likely to suffer permanent stress/cosmetic damage.
If my boss doesn't stop tossing fire on me I'm going postal
- It's that feeling like, "Oh, this is it. If it could only be like this every time."
- At the club feeling just right. All is good.
- Feeling a vibe.
- Ideal feels
- more pleasantly and intensely tossed than usual
- the "just right" mix of whatever cocktail you got goin' that's like, "Yeah, this is it."
Steve- "Last night, I got proper tossed."
Billy- "How was the party?"
Max- "Sick, we got proper tossed."