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the heart of gold

the spaceship stolen by ex-president of the galaxy Zaphod Beblebrox in the book hichhikers guide to the galaxy

by jesse August 29, 2003

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solid gold

Term used to identify a joke, saying, object, or anything which can be observed as being extremely funny and hilarious.

Man 1: So a priest and a pedophile walk into a bar.
Man 1: and that was just the first guy.
Man 2: hahahahahahahaha!
Man 2: solid gold!

by bor August 23, 2003

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gold digger

A woman who knows that love eventually wears off, but money is forever.

"No, Fez," Jackie says. "A gold digger is what these idiots call a woman who knows that love eventually wears off, but money is forever."

by R2-DeepThroat June 27, 2014

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gold star

items that can be given as a reward for doing something good; many can be exchanged for xtra prize

Boy: Damn, you look pretty hot today!

Girl: Wow, thanks! You made me smile - - here, have a gold star!

Boy: Sweet! Now I have enough for an xtra prize! Let's go!

by aperson May 1, 2005

75๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

gold miner

Someone who mines for gold.

Guy: I mine for gold. Like, down in a gold mine. *cough*

by Rogultgot February 10, 2005

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spanish gold

awesome bud that knocks you on your ass

"What kind is it?"
"spanish gold..."
"oh shit."

by ihnsane June 13, 2006

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coon's gold

crack cocaine.

On every corner in the city, jungle bunnies were smokin coon's gold and chucking spears.

by derek vinyard 09 March 16, 2009

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