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its a word

its a word

by LAK-OTRON February 1, 2022


Type your definition here...

Type an example on how a word used in a sentence...

by I fuck gays (noHOMO) June 12, 2019


something you say after your black friend finishes talking

Shane: I just got done eating a whole watermelon and washed it down with some grape Kool-Aid

colby: oh word

by glizzygobbler1228 February 16, 2022


Something that requires the construction of letters to be formed, usually accompanied by a definition. Allowing the communication between people as they are easily spoken.

The definition above consists of a plethora of words.

by Michi Nae February 12, 2019


People type this into urban dictionary to seem smart or funny. Normally on their first definition. This is because when you start a definition, the bar that you type your word into says "word". By then typing "word" into the box that says "word" in it is some how funny to the other people on this page.

New guy to urban dictionary: holy moly dude what should my first word be?

Total stranger: ummm ummm UMM...

New guy: he.. let's just type WORD!

by DatBoiPaulo June 18, 2018


A Word

person 1: may I have a Word
person 2: no

by Sub To SuperZilla April 8, 2022


Word- a stupid fucking thing some cave man made up so we could write what we say.


by Yehheheheh May 3, 2021