On this day we commemorate our gal Lizzie by shaking a little booty for her.
Girl it’s National Throw it Back for Lizzie Day don’t forget to shake a little sumn for her.
Why did you search this? Anyways, off-topic, Changed is a good, challenging furry puzzle game
Now the definition
man: Yo, that's the black man who died and came back to life cuz of jesus!
The quiet part he doesn't say out loud
Hym "They are taking land (BACK) from white farmers (Who were installed by a more technologically advanced civilization to exert peripheral ownership of the people I the country because (as Gayve Jewbin has said in the past) if they own the food, they own the populous) That's what he means to say."
Simply the same concept of giving a high five but backwards, using your backside of your hand and connecting beautifully with the other individuals back hand.
Hey bro back five! “Knuckle on knuckle connect”
what would happen if a gay guy got pregnant.
So you two guys have been together for a while; when's one of you gonna pop out a back-baby and settle down.
When spooning and an unwelcome friend scratcher you’re partners back.
I could feel the back scratcher effect last night ;)
to shoot back at someone shooting at me and my homies.
I was chilling in the hood, until someone hopped out a black truck firing at me, I then ended up firing back.