Source Code

December 20th 2007

If your birthday is December 20th 2007 you are an angel sent down from heaven born to bless every soul you spend time with. Not to mention that you have a massive dick along with a great personality and looks.

Dang Jacob was born on December 20th 2007 he must be here to bless me with that big dick!

by thejit1234 September 29, 2022

destroy debt december

This is the month where you have to destroy your debt. First you visit your favorite gambling site : On the 1st day you bet $1, on the 2nd day $2 and so on... On the 31st you have to bet $31.

You win destroy debt december when you are debt-free on january 1.

John: joww dude you doing destroy debt december?

Dennis: Yeah of course I hope I can pay off my student loans!
John: Nice!

by DrRocky November 16, 2018

No DooDoo December

A month where you try to not doodoo, and if you do, you lose the challenge and get yeeted to uranus.

Person 1:Yo can you wait i gotta take a dump
Person 2:Wait u can't its No DooDoo December
Person 1:Oh right thanks

by YeetusFetus11 May 8, 2022

No sex December

not allowed to have sex all December

Oh i want to have sex with you:
You cant, because its no sex December

Made of: Vilde Stokstad

Thank me next

by Vilde Stokstad November 4, 2019

december 6t

the best birthday ever created forever

Dude do you see that guy over there?
Yeah, he's my buddy Alex.
When's his birthday?
December 6th

by december6th January 7, 2024