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Your mom

Scariest creature to be alive.

If you go to your kitchen at 3:00 am and yell fortnite boy 400 times a person called your mom will appear and slap the lif out of you.

by Your mom Your mom Your mom October 14, 2021

your mom

the person I laid

who is your mom the
the person I laud

by firewolf27 February 12, 2021

Your Mom

should have swallowed

"I smashed Your Mom last night"

by NuggetLord66 June 14, 2017

your mom

she one fatass bitch that can't get off her ass bruh

damn, your mom fat as fuck dawg.

by realniggatalk! April 2, 2020

your mom

your mom is PUSSAY


by YOURMOMLOVERPATTER September 4, 2022

Your mom

A deadly phrase used to execute death row inmates in the U.S.A.

Your mom

by bwuuz April 4, 2022

Your mom

Your mom

Your mom is a hoe

by Hankdatank21 July 27, 2021