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3 fingers up

you take the secrets that you're entrusted with to your grave

if you hold your last 3 fingers up, that means you're a loyal friend

by uwu <3s you October 5, 2022

3 fingers up

if you put 3 fingers up it means u are madly in love with me.

*someone puts 3 fingers up*
“oh, they must be madly in love with abbie

by Woahtherebuster April 24, 2022

3 fingers up

You get zero bitches

*3 fingers up*

You got no bitches

by kipsate November 7, 2022

3 fingers up

gets infinite biches, infinite play and gets the finest men

we lift 3 fingers up in pictures and get infinite biches, infinite play and the finest men

by xenaaz July 15, 2022

3 fingers up

your obsessed with football

they/them put 3 fingers up they must love football

by heheheehehehhe May 9, 2023

3 fingers up

you are have awesome boy friend and kind best friend

hold 3 fingers up if you have an awesome boyfriend and kind of best friend

by dardos April 15, 2023

3 fingers up

You fuck a insane amount of men on a daily

William g put 3 fingers up to sign that he is superior

by 3 fingers May 5, 2022