Beating your girlfriend and or wife.
Drish: Hey where has Tom been
Robably: He went to jail for thumpin on his meat. I called the cops so she didn't end up hurt too bad.
Drish: Oh no! I hope she is ok.
a very muscular chest and abdomen
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a meat xylophone in almost all of his movies.
In the great era of the corona virus the act of “ meat thugging”- scraping thou cock against the rough bark of a tree to polish art cocks tip
K-“Leo what are you doing up against that tree”
L-“Im meat thugging against this tree to polish the tip”
(Noun) an alternate name for the material science of physics which studies physical matter, as opposed to meta-physics, used to disparage scientists who deny the reality of non-material realities.
My meat-physics professor at the university will not let me write a paper on astral projection because he claims the subject area is meta-physical esotericism lacking sufficient empirical research data to cite.
The cuts of meat obtained from the human body after murder. Cooked by preference.
Hey bro! You coming by the pad? I'm bbqing dragen meat!
The act of doing something useless. Can also be a reference to erectile dysfunction
"What he's about to do is completely useless, he's just going to beat dead meat"
"He couldn't get it up, so he ended up beating dead meat"
A tire with great traction or tread.
When your diggin, all in, full throttle, balls too the wall you need the best tire for movement. "With them Meaty cleats and no fucks given you can make it through any mud hole son. God bless them meat cleats"