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what did you say about minecraft

It’s a stupid joke used by middle school boys who think they’re funny and it literally means “I know you’re gay”. Usually people reply with “I said it’s gay” to say “I’m not gay” but people also get confused about it and don’t know it means gay.

JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!!
NATHAN: I said it’s gay.
JERRY: Ok your cool.

JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
EMMA: What?
JERRY: That’s What I thought.

OWEN: Knock knock.
JERRY: Who’s there.
OWEN: Jerry.
JERRY: Jerry who?
OWEN: Exactly my point.
JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
OWEN: I said it’s gay.

by pseudonyms don’t confine me October 13, 2018

4👍 3👎

picking up what you're laying down

A phrase to let someone know you understand what they're talking about.

Dude: So then Brenda says she wants to get in the back seat.

Other dude: I'm picking up what you're laying down.

by Nole69 June 13, 2009

22👍 15👎

I don't even know what that means

This phrase is tagged to the end of one's speech in order to reveal an innuendo or undertone. It is expressed with a wide-eyed expression and a tone of confusion. It is often synonymous with "That's what she said".

Unlike "That's what she said", it is proper for one to add this phrase to the end of his/her own speech, as well as for others to do the honor for him/her.

Scott: "This female's pelvis has been articulated... I don't even know what that means"

by Carriacou Archaeology 2008 August 2, 2008

24👍 16👎

you can choose what you eat, you can not choose what you shit

the ridiculous condition of a winner politician who blames the former administrations, to justify the mere fact he is definitely unable.
Who does politics can choose the party to play with, the arguments to fight with, and the equivocal reasons to explain to the electorate, but can not choose the "favourite" priorities, budget deficits, environmental emergencies, and other embarrassing situations.

POLITICIAN: It's not my fault. The former mayor left a huge amount of budget deficit.
TV REPORTER (live): No, man: you can choose what you eat, you can not choose what you shit.

by logao November 4, 2018

You dig what im putting down

A phrase, usually used in question form which asks if the person being questioned knows what you are talking about, refering to, or trying to suggest.

"I beat that bitch up Norris Style, if you dig what im putting down."
or "Do you dig what im putting down?"

by Joe Zumchak July 1, 2006

16👍 11👎

what did i do last night?

The question you ask yourself or your friends after a night of heavy drinking. Often, you do not want to hear the response, but need to know if you should apologize to anyone or get checked for STDs.
You usually spend the rest of the day dwelling on the events of the past night and slapping yourself on the head saying "doh!"

yo what did i do last night?
Danced with some drunk chick on stage at the bar and busted your ass

by TrixieTrix March 6, 2009

10👍 6👎

What am I doing with my life

Why are you here?

“What am I doing with my life?”

by Just a guy who’s really bored January 26, 2019

5👍 2👎