putting 3 fingers up means you like getting molested by big retarted fat gay black cocks
J cole: omg he has 3 fingers up, he must like getting molested by big retarted fat gay black cocks.
shows your madly in love with cee full stop😼
Did you see them man with 3 Fingers Up
Yeah I was with them
means you are crazy in love with cc full stop😼
3 Fingers Up for cc, absolutely love her
If you are loyal to 1 table tennis boy
look she did the 3 fingers up ,she love you
Means that you fuck all the mothers of your friends because you'r Ivl 265 on val
Bro chill 3 fingers up dammmmm
you are obsessed w me & madly in love w me 🥰🥰
oh he’s holding 3 fingers up… he must be in love with me
When you have 3 fingers up on photos that's mean u pulling some bitches
when someone takes photo of u and u have 3 fingers up