Expression of Neapolitan exclamation addressed to the Virgin Mary of Carmel. Maronn o Carmn = Oh my God!
A: Je pigghiat cinchcent eur alla schedina! (I won five hundred euros with a ticket)
B: Maronn o Carmn! (Oh my God!)
When your too good of a teacher.
My Historyteacher is so Sam O' Nellalike. Everyone understands and loves his class.
When your too good of a teacher.
My Historyteacher is so Sam O' Nellalike. Everyone understands and loves his class.
A massive wanking machine created by the one and only banterlope. The banterlope is a godly youtuber who makes amazing content and is better then PewDiePie and KSI put together even tough he only has 162 subscribers. He is now loaded as fuck and films his insane content with his Iphone 5s... Fuck yes. You shall bow down to your almighty leader and I don't mean Kim-Jon-Un... I mean the banterlope
That wank-o-tron is an amazing youtuber
"hey is that a 12 y/o child doing 12 y/o things in brookhaven?" "yes :|"
the type of sound made when "clicking" your tongue
copyrighted by min 2k17
thicc:im 17
min:aw fukc u r not 12?? the younger the better
thicc:click o