The reason my arms and thighs are sliced to bits :)
Person 1: what's that on your arm.
Person 2: my cat did that
little 5th dimension anger gods trying to scratch you at every chance
has mind controlling powers
hey nice cat can i touch him?
yeah sure
"gets brutally scratched to death"
no bad ( example of mind controlling powers)
A person who resents their birth given name. Often a 'Catherine' 'Catrina' Caitlyn' who now identifies herself as Cat.
This makes her quirky and unique, given that internally it doesn't phase them what so ever. But naturally, Cat is known to be the life of the party, the one that gives the best advice and also the most emotional. Can always give great advice, but will be the hardest at accepting someone else's.
Cat will do absolutely anything for anyone. Cat's friends and family are they're world, and everyone knows who Cat is! Sometimes for good things, and also the cheeky things.
Do you know Cat?
Yeah! She's that girl that threw that awesome party! As if you haven't heard of her, everyone knows who Cat is!
Hairy stalkers that creep around and have very slowwww matabilisum, they claw your feet when you get out of bed and love you when you have food and reject your sleeping for you to get up and nothing being wrong periotttttt
You:wow today was so much work I think it’s time to sleep
cat: it’s my time *dun dun dun dun dun dun dun* look and open spot *pushes thick self under small bed*
you: *walks to bed takes socks off and hears something under bed lays on the floor and looks under bed* weir-
Cat: hiyaaaaaaaaaaaa * cat scratches face much strength much muscle under flabby fat
You- ahhhhhhhhh
Cat - that’s what you get for not remembering my temtation mixups at the grocery store
An animal that acts retarded but is actually an evil mastermind, plotting to overthrow the human race
I love my cat but I think its trying to kill me
The cutest animal in the world that chinese people eat. Likes to scratch people.
Guest: Your cat is so cute! I want to pet it!
Cat: o shit