A woman or male who will do any sexual activity for a cigarette.They will result to sucking cock eating pussy fucking analy as well as vaginaly.They may even push to taking a cum shot to the ear or shitting on a midget "see brown dwarf"
Vanessa is such a butt slut.I was at the bar and she was out of smokes.She took me to the bathroom where she sucked my carrot till i nutted in her eye for a pack.
A female that really likes anal sex. A man's favorite form of birth control.
I told her I'm not interested in being anyone's daddy. Good thing she's a butt slut or I would have broken up with her by now.
Someone who really enjoys anal intercourse.
Mariah “ I heard Darien is a Butt-Slut”
Savannah “Yeah, he’s been begging to be pegged, I told him that he’ll have to ask Rick next week to show him how it’s done.”
why would you even search this
a hen that is a slut for you
...why would you say slut hen .... monster
I like it
A chick who is constantly looking for cocks. She mainly values them for their peckers.
Invariably, there's one or more of these in any henhouse.
A slut rooster says "cock-a-doodle-do".
A slut hen says "any cock will do".
When your slutty sister-in-law is fucks everyone including you.
Is Karen coming over? Yes? Okay.
<Fuck, I need to rail that slut in law.>