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popped nose

A broken, or fractured nose. Normally acquired through a fight.

Person 1: "dude, josh got in a fight the other day"
Person 2: "what happened?"
Person 1: "he ended up getting a popped nose from some kid"

by LeytonMate November 29, 2018

popping a dock

(v) being or acting like a JACK ass or dick\cock, trying to be funny when you are not

That kid Shreeve is so annoying, he's just popping a dock.

by JAY L33 March 17, 2016

pop off master

To absolutely SLAY, effortlessly & masterfully. Flawlessly killing it. Master at your craft in nailing it.

I told that queen, "pop off master' because she was straight working it on her Insta post.

by lynnleigh November 6, 2021

Sock Pop

when you jerk off so hard in your cum sock you bend your dick causing lots of pain

last night i was watching a pokimane stream and then i took out my cum sock and hit a sock pop.

by CraccHead69 November 6, 2021

Funko pops

The reason why tenants can’t fucking pay rent on time.

Once my rentcel was late on rent so I seized his funko pops and threw them all in a raging bonfire.

by USMCboot31 July 12, 2023

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Funko Pop

When you insert a whole β€œFunko POP!” into the rectum until the rectum turns itself inside out causing rectal prolapse and climax.

I will β€œFunko POP!” Mason soon and hard.

by FredTayTayDa4th January 24, 2024

Haneyville Pop

Take a stick, poke it in human feces, which is easily found in D6 of San Francisco, Supervisor Haney's district. Take shit on stick dip in chocolate roll in nuts.

Me and this dude just chilling in the TL, when this guy comes up trying to sell Haneyville Pops. WTF!

by Blue beets October 5, 2020