A response to when something is so outlandish a simple See Ya will not suffice
Nolan claimed, “Mac Jones is the best quarterback of his draft class!”
Kaeden responded, “D ya! That’s not even close to being right!”
A response to when something is so outlandish a simple See Ya will not suffice
Nolan claims, “Mac Jones is the best quarterback of his draft class.”
Kaeden responds, “D ya! That’s a terrible take Nolan.”
A person (typically male) who has exhibited all the qualities of a party animal, and who, perhaps, plays the steel pan.
Tonka Truck dick (T²d) - Occurs when a male of questionable intellect Is wielding a dick that doesn't match the rest of his appearance profile in any number of varying degrees from a slight hunchback-ishly Quasi to an abnormal monstrosity of a wart-laden ax handle. Any obvious retardation of an individuals cognitive abilities disqualifies them from T²d as the underlying concept of the T²d phenomena is that the contrasting ratio between his appearance profile and whatever degree of T²d he has developed makes him borderline fuckable despite being quite ugly and/or dumb also. There is no single characteristic that can qualify or define any phallic member as T²d worthy however, when you see a T²d you know, without question or discussion that you've seen or are seeing a T²d.
Damn, I never thought I would see Sarah with a dude that ugly and dumb but, he must have a mean Tonka truck dick (T²d).
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a stronger way to say "I'm down", as in "I'd be up for that"
Cam: "Hey Nicola, do you want to go to Mel's?"
Nicola: "D for down"
Two Dimensional - Lacking depth, superficial.
People that are shallow and only see things their way. Incapable of seeing things any other way. A lot of people are 2D people living in a 3D world. They just can't comprehend it.
"Of course she only cares about looks and money she's 2-D bro."
"Sucks they passed on you for the job, HR is full of 2-D's."
They are the socks they give you with traction rubber straps on them. when you go to a hospital detox after they take your shoes, so you don't use the laces to hang yourself or strangle someone.
Check out these awesome. Yellow d-sox I got from my detoxing from mainluning black tar