A phase in which girls start talking to men more. This normally filters out sluts from other women.
She’s just going through her “slut phase”
1. A promiscous woman or man that loves to indulge in anal intercourse. Often craving anal in favor of oral or vaginal.
2. A prostitute that sells his/her booty for anal pleasure.
Wendy is goes bonkers when she is getting assfucked! She is a true assfucked slut!!
Herman loves his rectum plowed! What a nasty assfucked slut he truly is!
A amazing song that deserves all my love.
hi, i’m a slut
Do what I want. Idgaf
The definition of slut is out of my knowledge, you must must go beyond your mind and journey through the universe that created time. Once you have seen and heard the ways of space then you shall be giving the knowledge to understand the texture of the word slut.
If you see and hear the calls from the Slut Everse then you shall belong to the street with a snapscore over 5 mill from God him self
A female that sees no problem with anything as long as it doesn’t hit her.
Better stay away from her bro, she’s a Me Slut.
Whenever you go shopping specifically for slutty clothes.
Becky: Like i cant believe that Sarah went slut shopping just to impress Derek like OMG
Jessica: OMG that little whore
A phrase used when describing something extremely ghetto or redneck engineered.
I recently built this lovely slut and to power it on you have to hot wire it with 2 wires I extended off the PSU I zip'tied to the back of the pc.