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When you taze yourself in the balls to the death trying to grab the Tip.

Cletus went to D.C. and got Trumped.

by DionysianArts January 9, 2021


To obtain personal gain in the short-term by inflicting long-term damages on a person, group or thing, usually by dishonest means.

Donald Trump trumped migrant children when his administration detained them separately from their parents.

by TheWorldsChildren June 21, 2018


when you lose biggly

played mario kart with my kid and got royally trumped!

by Winner2020 November 7, 2020


Misfortune derived from a real or perceived association with Donald Trump.

The GOP candidate for governor lost by 9 points, he sure got Trumped!

by Draugrok November 8, 2017


To get out of doing something.

He Trumped his way out of that question.

by NonjaPotato555 February 28, 2017


The act of grabbing a women by her genitalia without warning.

My bro just trumped to girls at the club.

by Elchingon June 19, 2018


Getting deported

Damn bro, Juan got trumped the other day

by Littytitty69420 January 1, 2018