Guy is a nice guy with a surprisingly bad side, he likes to put his extra small pipe up dogs ring pieces, all different breeds, no matter the size. Smaller the better (DOG NONCE)
Look at the GUY he's hanging out the back end of my jack russell again.
Typically a gender-neutral term by YouTubers simply used to group up all viewers, and greet them as one, big group used like this: Hey guys..and so on. Some think it is offensive, but this argument can be defeated in two ways.
1: If so, then why do so many people use it?
2: Girls typically have no problem with this.
3: Saying guys and girls is oddly strange.
Hey guys!
2: Hey, that’s not gender neutral!
3: Please stfu.
He is the most sensetive and caring boy everyone likes him all the girls are into him but he doesnt give a single fuck
a figure representing Guy Fawkes, burned on a bonfire on Guy Fawkes' Night, and often displayed by children begging for money for fireworks.
The kids paraded their homemade guy down the street, hoping for a bounty of pennies.