You: Hey billy!
Billy: Yes?
You: did you try out the hoe I got you?
Billy: yea I did it works great!
A man/woman who due to a variety of reasons (low self-esteem/being young/not knowing how to just fucking commit), has slept with multiple people over a short period of time. Due to social dynamics most people use it to refer to women, though it should be used for men too as having multiple kids (Nick Cannon) and stds means just like your father, you will leave/won't know your kids too if your not careful in using protection. Some individuals may be involuntary hoes as even though they want a bf/gf, no one that they have hooked up with is willing to be exclusive (the first step) or willing to just become committed (situationships are so damn stupid. Either you are together or you ain't). Being a how may have consequences on your relationships in the future, especially if you have fucked a close friend (something many people have done), are more sexually experienced than your partner, or if you are prone to cheating. Depending on personality some hoes grow the fuck up quickly after hurting a few people and get their shit together (especially if they locked someone down recently).
Jabari is a really good college freshman that excels at academia and most people enjoy being around, however, because of his previous relationship he was scared to commit and ended up sleeping with three close friends first semester (Kiki, Ashanti, and Nala). When his current girlfriend Risha found out she felt weird about it, and has heard from her friend group that he slept with five sophmore and junior girls, but because she can't do anything about it decided she will love him and accept that he did those things, but isn't the same person he once was. Still he was once a hoe.
A girl that doesn’t care if she’s in a relationship she’ll still flirt with other guys
A hoe is a tool that is used that is used to loosen and cultivate soil for farming. Alternatively, hoes can also be used to rid of weeds. If someone tells you something else, they are wierd.
Ex: The hoe in my garage is very good at getting rid of weeds!
A hoe is chyara she hoe she suck dick and eat pussy
She suck dick and fucks people nigga that called a hoe