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To grab a woman by the vagina with complete disregard to her desires.

She wanted it, so I trumped her.

She was grinding on me so I started trumping her.

by Kaiiak November 29, 2017


When your vagina gets grabbed in public unexpectedly.

That girl over there gave me the fuck me eyes and then she trumped me.

by Swagalicious_09 February 19, 2018


The act of committing sedition or insurrection against the government at the behest of a failed steak salesman

The insurgents Trumped the United States Capitol.

by ATrueStatesman January 10, 2021

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A little girl who is too jealous to pay her bill.

"She was trumped by thieves."

by Pre-Dictionary September 3, 2017


To grab another person firmly by the genitals in an attempt to show maximum dominance

The guy in Walmart wouldn’t stop harassing me so I trumped him to get him to stop.

by Killerkrillin420 January 9, 2022


-To outlandishly brag yourself up In order to win attention or praise in earned.
-to be lied to.

Boy , he really trumped himself up. He didn’t even win the race but you wouldn’t know by the way he bragged about it. trumpet

He trumped me ! I believed him and he outright lied !

by Trickedncrushed October 29, 2017


Someone who has been banned temporarily or indefinitely from a social media site; Such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube

I got trumped by Twitter for the next 12 days.

by Nomadic Wise-Ass January 13, 2021