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Becky Effect

When a group of basic white girls spend too much time together, and they all begin to look the same.

Damn bro, the Becky Effect is in full force at this bar. All those girls by the door look alike!

Becky 1: “Oh my god Becky, I love your makeup!”
Becky 2: “Oh I know, it’s the same as yours Becky!!”

by Fuck Knuckle McGee November 11, 2018

Billy Effect

A moment when you feel like you know everything despite the fact that you spell like a 3 year old.

Inspired by Bill Gates.

Guy One: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I know everything.
Guy Two: You still can't even spell your own name, you're under the billy effect.

by King Bear July 2, 2010

HIM effect

When you start listening to a band or artist you never listened to before (or even heard of) because you met someone who listens to them and got a crush on them. Named after the finnish gothic rock band HIM. It started from when people would meet Diksi or Joca, then they'd get a crush on one of them and start listening to their favourite band HIM.

A: And then she said bye back and I put on my headphones and listened to Curta'n wall. Ohhh man.
B: Since when did you start listening to Curta'n wall?!?!
A: Since forever duhhh
B: Shut up dude, you've been listening to them ever since you met Jane.
A: Aw man, it's the HIM effect once again...

by ksjaisjdajsdlihasdulafd January 20, 2025

The Sam Effect

Leaving girls soaking wet and wanting more

When Sam messages a girl it makes them have the Sam effect and want to play with themselves

by HALLOHAQ October 11, 2023

The East Asia effect

The effect of a larger entity appealing more towards external entities with more resources rather than their own entities.
It is named after the continuous double standards set in East Asian countries like China, Japan, and South Korea on Western tourists, giving them a false rrality that many citizens dream to have. A big example are then amount of people wanting to work in Japan despite its hellish working conditions because of the false vision being given to them. This can also be seen on corporations appealing to a small handful of investors, resulting in them alienating their wider target audience

Korean guy looking at twitter: Why are so many westerners trying to subject themselves to our hellish life?
Another Korean guy who has been on twitter for a long time: It's the East Asia Effect

by Hoahobecth June 18, 2024

The amogus effect

Originating from the amogus meme that started in early 2021 and wouldn’t fall off popularity until mid 2022. A meme which doesn’t fall of popularity due to constant iterations of it which keeps the meme alive for much a much longer period of time.

P1: How has this meme not died yet?
P2: have you ever heard of the amogus effect?

by Startupedition April 12, 2024

Lake Effect Kid

A child who is born, raised, grew up, lives in and/or dies in Chicago.

I am Forever a Lake Effect Kid.

by RocketScience2 November 27, 2023