"hey is that a 12 y/o child doing 12 y/o things in brookhaven?" "yes :|"
the type of sound made when "clicking" your tongue
copyrighted by min 2k17
thicc:im 17
min:aw fukc u r not 12?? the younger the better
thicc:click o
A shit off brand of cheerios with less flavor than the cardboard it is packed in.
Person 1"Hey did you get some ceral?"
Person 2"Yup toasty o's!"
Person 1"oh, I didn't know we were so poor."
A horny little divil mad for a shkelp of pints. Usually shite at pool.
Hey that guy just lost a game of pool! Such a Heap O Clay!
Someone who is a freak/freaky and kinky/has kinks at the same time!
Damn, you’re into musty scents sexually, huh? What a freak-o kink-o you are! 😏😼
Nick name for a friend that you want to tease and joke with just so they can wonder what the hell
Get with the program flip-o-sqawllay.