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at least the fries were good

when a situation or experience is terrible, but you sarcastically acknowledge the silver lining

“Hey Scott, how was the movie?” “at least the fries were good.”

Judy! how was your date?” “at least the fries were good”

by Letty O’toole May 20, 2018

The Good Pandemic

how can this happen well let me explain and don't get mad brace your self. let's see you watch a lot of good tv shows and you hate the off time in between seasons and years and you decide to wait until it's all done so you can watch it all back to back in a day or so . right? let's say everyone start doing that because they love you for it and all these good shows get cancel because they don't have good ratings or whatever keeps it going because you waiting for all the shows to get done even so you can fast forward all the commercials or buy the dvd or blue ray collection or etc.

The Good Pandemic....but the world only knows what a epidemic is right? what if we had a horrible pandemic it's over for everyone. The good thing about a the Good Pandemic is that it wouldn't happen if you was all alone but you had to be a true hero didn't you Son? yes FATHER GOD i said...i am sorry will i understand when i grow up one day my FATHER GOD as i kneel respectfully before my LORD AND KING AND SAVIOR the only of his Kind who is ABSOLUTE PERFECT AND ABSOLUTEY PERFECTLY VIRTUOUS! AMEN!

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ June 7, 2022

good thug

A good thug is a thug who is good. A good thug goes to church and isnt a criminal and espionage not an assassin because they go to church.

I am NOT a THUG I am a GOOD THUG. I go to church and i am holy.

by a$$licker2000 November 28, 2021

good thug

A good thug is a thug whos good. That goes to church and isnt a criminal and especially not assassin because they go to church and the god forgives.

I am not a THUG I am a GOOD THUG

by a$$licker2000 November 28, 2021

good in the mud

In the mud stands for in the motherfucka. It is

Yo Jake, those tacos we had last night were good in the mud.

Man! You crazy in the mud. I ain't plyain' with you.

by Mechavelli April 12, 2021

Doctor feel Good

A doctor who has smooth hands

Doctor feel good touched my anus and it feeelllt soooooo goooood

by Dr feelgood June 15, 2013

good to hook

good to go/all set; military slang often used by paratroopers/commandos referring to their parachute rigs and being good to go to 'hook' their static line up for a jump

once we get this part done right here we're good to hook

by finishedclub April 25, 2024