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Fariz Jabba is a naughty guy?

Fariz Jabba is a naughty guy?

Fariz Jabba is a naughty guy?

by syafinaz? October 22, 2023

guy in the mirror

1- The one guy that is always unbearable. He's a terrible person with matching social skills. He doesnt pay his taxes and is always the weirdest person in your friend group.

2- A "funnier" way of reffering to yourself or to the person youre having a conversation with.

Example 1: The guy in the mirror is the reason i'm paying the stundent loan!

Example 2: - Who has eaten my chips?
- It was the guy in the mirror i always see...

by Crimsonier25 October 19, 2022

Tough guy

A guy called mick who usually is found drive in a commodore or similar vehicles and drinks 2 cartons of beer a week.

“Look at mick over there in his car, he thinks he’s a tough guy doesn’t he!”

by Blokes and their zinger boxes September 22, 2022

Tough guy

A guy called mick, who usually drives a commodore, who thinks he’s tough and usually drinks 2 cartons of beer a week.

“Look at mick over there in his car, he thinks he’s a tough guy doesn’t he!)

by Blokes and their zinger boxes September 22, 2022

Tough guy

A male, typically on the older spectrum, who feels the need to represent their masculinity -or "toughness"- at any given moment. They do this in a violent manner, often with threats, physical combat, destruction of property, etc. These people are always fighting for something incorrect which makes them disliked by normal people. Their natural habitat varies but they are most stereotypically associated with Walmart, parking lots, and other food/shopping chains.

"That guy's trying to fight an innocent person. He seems to want to assert male dominance here in this Walmart. He MUST be a tough guy."

by Dude with time. July 6, 2021

saint gui

the saint gui is a french uncommon name. Bewitched and bewitching person dedicated to seducing the daronnes of france.

Festive and valiant the saint gui will know how to honor and sanction. he usually drinks liters

- do saint gui...
- sure

by james julios serge eclesias November 21, 2021

Sandwich Guy

A vapid man with little to offer in the way intellectuality or adventure. Figuratively speaking, the guy has but two thoughts: sex and sandwiches. Mainly exhibited in male-female relationships when the woman is talking about important topics or in social situations where sports, cars, sex, or food is not being discussed.

Woman: I really feel we need to communicate more.
Sandwich Guy: <I can still taste that ham cheese>
Woman: I feel like you don't listen me.
Sandwich Guy: <Listening = Sex>
Woman: Thank you for not interrupting me, I really need to get this off my chest.
Sandwich Guy: <She said chest haha. We're banging soon!>
Sandwich Guy: Time to undress!

by kahndor May 23, 2013