to be useful to someone(her/him) in the future
she is a very pretty lady. When I saw her licking ice cream, i knew it would stand her in good stead. Because after I would have hired her, i would download facebook and let her suckerberg me. Due to the fact, if she weren't willing to do it, I would zuckerberg her
"Goodful" an alternative to the word "grateful". When someone does a good job we can say we are goodful rather than grateful. Grateful should be reserved for those exceptional times.
I am goodful for all that you have done.
a good friend, is someone who likes to be with you, and who wants to talk to you. They reply to your snaps, and texts, and they even text you first.
You know you can tell them stuff without them telling it to other people without permission.
oh him, he's just a good friend
Good friend is something almaa_omg is not a good friend doesn't start drama is the group chat over saying "your mom" and communicates if they are doing a rp with you in it
not_aanna2"Your mom"
alma_omg "Im ganna block you now"<- that is what not to do
not_aanna2 "your mom"
Butterflyfangirl123 "Your dad"
not_aanna2 "what bout my dad"
Butterflyfangirl123 "nothing"<-- that is what to do
and now Butterflyfangirl123 is a good friend unlike almaa_omg
Someone who doesn't watch'Ma' without you when you said you'd watch it together. not fake not rude loyal loyalty watches movies with you
I am a good friend. You are not.
They don't exist; only habibs do.
"I don't have any good friends"
"Of course you don't, as they don't exist"
"I have a habib though; you"
*brotherly kiss*
Someone who will always be the first to respond to a text. He or she will always confort you and complement you when you are feeling blue.
"Man, oscar is such a good friend."