Shades O' Clock: The point in time where one has been up for so long that all light one comes in contact with is nearly blinding... Simply meaning its time to put on the sunglasses. Non doucey, completely understandable to someone that parties hardy.
Dude, the suns coming up! It's definitely Shades O' Clock.
Nanakwadwos are big black men with the largest penises imaginable. they need pants with a 3rd leg built in. brothas never sleep and run off a diet of whole loaves of white bread, hawaiian punch, doritos, and whole roasted chickens but somehow have a crazy physique. they see through their 3rd eye and nothing they say ever makes sense but everybody accepts that they're IQ is incredibly higher than that of the average person. they always go by the aliases Juicy O or NANA. some examples what a NANA might say is "your pockets have holes and through those holes you can refill them" and "well rested men are potent" A common habit of men named NANA is too leave their fly open becasue they must "let it breath".
"Hi NANA how are you"
nanakwadwo (juicey O) :"dude, are you intervewing me"
Holy Shit. That stupid Crypto Shitcoin is up 10,000,000%
When I saw Ripple on that chart /u/tothemoonguy be like (°o°)
A notation used to describe the asymptotic behaviour of a particular function, usually the amount of time it takes for an algorithm to run
There is no sorting algorithm that is big O of n
also know as an organism , when a male or females have an organism together on facetime
“ we are going to have a big o tonight “
The name of an annoying minion figure from maccies that looks like he has just been to a gay club.
Also a rapper.
Person 1: What’s big o been doing today.
Person 2: oh he’s just singing his new song.