Is a million dollar company that provides manifestations tools in a box. The company being running since 2019. Have manifesting products for day to day use.
Attraction in a box is a reliable company..
That squelching fart sound that you hear when slotting the lid back over a small, laminated cardboard box.
1: "Did you just fart?"
2: "Nah, it's just box queef. I was putting the lid back on the set of cards."
Slang for the human anus also known as the chocolate starfish or the prision wallet.
I was having sex when she reached around and stuck her finger right into Jim's glove box. Wildest shit I have ever experienced.
Murder in a fuck box
1. Term for extreme rough sex.
2. Anything you buy at KFC that comes in a box.
Hey skeeter what are we doing tonight?
Well betty lou, it's gonna be murder in a fuck box tonight. Get the 39 gallon drum of lube.
Hey Jethro how was your date last night?
Dude she was murder in a fuck box. My balls are still sore.
Welcome to KFC what can I get you?
Yes I'll have the Murder in a Fuck Box please.
You want a side of cole slaw?
To be boxed off means to be annoyed or pissed off
Rebecca really boxed me off the other day
To get boxed: When a simple task is messed up by someone in a group, that person must buy the rest of the group a box of beer. (Australian).
John got boxed when he dropped a whole bag of cement onto the ground.
when someone opens your snapchat
"yo she boxed me!"
"man i hate when girls don't reply"