To stick your nose in someone else's business unwanted. Mimicking the behaviour of the pearl fish, who lives inside a sea cucumber's arse hole without permission. Coined by Daz Games on August 21st 2024.
"OMG BECKY, how I broke up with darren is none of your business. Stop pearl fishing!!"
When a guy covers his fingers with mayo and shoves it up a girl.
“Yo I meet this girl last night and she asked me to tuna fish her because she just got a large mayo container at the local club store, you know the one, and she wanted to put some to use. So I loaded up on mayo and tuna fished her.”
Orally catching the ejaculate from inside the vagina or asshole creampie.
After I came in her snatch, she immediately jumped up, squatted over the other girl & drained her cum filled pussy in the other girls mouth giving her a bone fish salad.
fuck them
quoted by Trenton T Curtin
Person 1: your friends are assholes.
Person 2: Fuck em and feed em to the fish.
The fish is a terrifying large toothed monster that preys on the feet of children at night. It usually squelches and growls to make itself known and that it is present.
“The fish bit my toes last night and tried to yank me under the bed!”
Saying "The Fish" but in a stupid way.
"the fish."
A large party in New Orleans where they fry fish on a saturday night as the name suggests
If you are a cook or a good musician, you can get into a saturday night fish fry for free.