A computer-animated television show on Fusion that was created by David Javerbaum and produced by The Jim Henson Company under its Henson Alternative banner and ShadowMachine Films. The show uses The Jim Henson Company's real time motion capture Digital Puppet Studio
Good Morning Today is the worst show ever.
This expression is usually used when the person is in a bad stand or when something bad happened, and it's an american expression and it's also considered as the opposite of "so good"
While your little brother was playing, he broke your laptop accidentally
You say this is so not good
It's just a cute and childish variation of 'Good night'
/gʊd naɪˈɑ kɪs/
Simple pronunciation: "Good night, a kiss"
"Have a good night," He said.
"Good nightakis." She replied in a playfull tone.
A hentai you jack off to in the evening before you are going to sleep.
A: Are you still planning to do something this evening?
B: No, not really. I guess I'll just watch a good night hentai and then sleep.
Another way of saying sexually good
Jane has a way of making others feel physically good.
1👍 1👎
A very very unique name, Goodness is a nice person with a lot to offer. She typically acts shy around people she's not comfortable with, but when she gets to know them she definitely will show her goofy and fun side.
She's very smart with lots of ideas and creativity, she's very independent and likes to be in control.
person 1: Hey can you help me with question number 5?
person 2: Sorry haven't answered that one yet, try to ask Goodness for help.